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On the Scales


We would like to share your pictures and testimonials on how New Life Weight Loss Program has helped you lose weight and be healthier!

Email us at: and send your before and after picture!


The past 5 years EDS has done HAVOC to my body🙄
I was so tired of hurting & getting hurt that I decided to try the CLEAN EATING approach using Dr. Dean W Tindall's New Life Weight Loss  program.
Like many of you I have tried tons of "diet" programs! But thought I would try the whole food approach. One that I'm hoping will help with all the inflammation issues I get with having EDS.
I have been on the program for 3 weeks now & I have to say so far...
I'm TOTALLY impressed👍 Yes I have lost weight but more impressive is my body doesn't hurt as much!
Ok... let me make some things clear...
*You have to be 100% in on this change!!
* It's a lot of work preparing all your whole ingredient foods-NO PROCESSED FOODS
*Which means groceries are going to be a little more.
But HOLY COW you eat enough food to make you full & a different meal every day!
I LOVE THIS PART. It makes you think "there is no way I'm on a diet."
I know this is going to be a challenge but I am really starting to believe that not putting in: sugar, gluten, alcohol,  processed foods & yes even pasta/breads.. (my favorites) will help your body!
Thanks for encouraging me through this process 😁

Linda S.


Down 17 pounds in 5 weeks.


Just an update, for me the scale says 23 pounds in one month....Wanted to give you some kudos for the program.

Tom S.

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Down 35 lbs!!

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Thanks for submitting!


New Life - Weight Loss

620 Suite A. Westport Road

Elizabethtown, KY 42701, US

(270) 769-9844

* DISCLAIMER: Some weight loss results featured on this website are not typical. The average person can expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds weekly following the New Life Weight Loss program, but there is no guarantee any weight loss will occur. Results vary because of many factors, including and not limited to: adherence to the program, current health issues, food eaten, water consumed, and sleep quantity.


This website does not provide medical or healthcare advice. Neither New Life Weight Loss nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. Consult with your physician before making any dietary or other health-related changes, including adoption of the New Life Weight Loss Program.

New Life Weight Loss complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, ​color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.

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