We would like to share your pictures and testimonials on how New Life Weight Loss Program has helped you lose weight and be healthier!
Email us at: newlifenaturopathic@gmail.com and send your before and after picture!

The past 5 years EDS has done HAVOC to my body🙄
I was so tired of hurting & getting hurt that I decided to try the CLEAN EATING approach using Dr. Dean W Tindall's New Life Weight Loss program.
Like many of you I have tried tons of "diet" programs! But thought I would try the whole food approach. One that I'm hoping will help with all the inflammation issues I get with having EDS.
I have been on the program for 3 weeks now & I have to say so far...
I'm TOTALLY impressed👍 Yes I have lost weight but more impressive is my body doesn't hurt as much!
Ok... let me make some things clear...
*You have to be 100% in on this change!!
* It's a lot of work preparing all your whole ingredient foods-NO PROCESSED FOODS
*Which means groceries are going to be a little more.
But HOLY COW you eat enough food to make you full & a different meal every day!
I LOVE THIS PART. It makes you think "there is no way I'm on a diet."
I know this is going to be a challenge but I am really starting to believe that not putting in: sugar, gluten, alcohol, processed foods & yes even pasta/breads.. (my favorites) will help your body!
Thanks for encouraging me through this process 😁
Linda S.

Down 17 pounds in 5 weeks.
Just an update, for me the scale says 23 pounds in one month....Wanted to give you some kudos for the program.
Tom S.